
Dom Cathedral in Cologne

Dom Cathedral in Cologne

Cologne, Germany

Cologne, Germany

Gift store in Cologne, Germany

Cologne, Germany

Cologne, Germany

Dom Cathedral in Cologne, Germany

Koblenz, Germany

2000 Year Fountain of Koblenz, Germany

Koblenz, Germany

Koblenz, Germany

Koblenz, Germany

Koblenz, Germany

Koblenz, Germany

Koblenz, Germany

Lady Peppermint Statue in Koblenz, Germany

Lady Peppermint Statue in Koblenz, Germany

This face (the on on the wall) was placed on the corner as a sign that no street performers were allowed to perform here. Koblenz, Germany

The oldest tavern in Koblenz, Germany

Basilica St Kastor in Koblenz, Germany. The first stone of this church was laid in 900 A.D.

Basilica St Kastor in Koblenz, Germany.

Basilica St Kastor in Koblenz, Germany.

Castle on the Rhine, Germany

Along the Rhine River, Germany

Along the Rhine River, Germany

Along the Rhine River, Germany

Along the Rhine River, Germany

Castle on the Rhine, Germany

Along the Rhine River, Germany

Along the Rhine River, Germany. This is a church and a pub - but not just any church and pub - there is only one entrance and it is into the Pub, so in order to get to church, one has to travel thru the pub!

Castle on the Rhine, Germany

Along the Rhine River, Germany

Castle on the Rhine, Germany

Castle on the Rhine, Germany

Along the Rhine River, Germany

Along the Rhine River, Germany

Castle on the Rhine, Germany

Castle on the Rhine, Germany

Castle on the Rhine, Germany

Dennis along the Rhine River, Germany

Castle on the Rhine, Germany

Along the Rhine River, Germany

Castle on the Rhine, Germany

Along the Rhine River, Germany

Castle on the Rhine, Germany

Sunset along the Rhine River, Germany

Dennis along the Rhine, Germany

Mainz, Germany

Dana & Kathy in Mainz, Germany

Mainz, Germany

Mainz, Germany

Mainz, Germany

Along the Main river, Germany

Along the Main river, Germany

Along the Main river, Germany

Schloss Johannisburg (Johannisburg Castle) built in the 17th century in Aschaffenburg, Germany

Aschaffenburg, Germany

Aschaffenburg, Germany

Aschaffenburg, Germany

Aschaffenburg, Germany

Church ceiling in Aschaffenburg, Germany

Beautiful confessional in the church in Aschaffenburg, Germany

Aschaffenburg, Germany

"Any bird, no matter how small, will always have a home" Aschaffenburg, Germany

Aschaffenburg, Germany

Dana & Kathy outside of the Schloss Johannisburg, Aschaffenburg, Germany

Church in Aschaffenburg, Germany

Church in Aschaffenburg, Germany

Church in Aschaffenburg, Germany

Inside the palace in Aschaffenburg, Germany. These are cork architectural models. These remarkably detailed reproductions ofo the most famous ruins in Rome were made from 1792 onwards by the court confectioner Carl May and his son Georg.

Cork architectural model, Aschaffenburg, Germany

Cork architectural model of the Roman Colleseum in Aschaffenburg, Germany

Schloss Johannisburg, Aschaffenburg, Germany

Schloss Johannisburg, Aschaffenburg, Germany

Church in Aschaffenburg, Germany

Schloss Johannisburg (Johannisburg Castle) built in the 17th century in Aschaffenburg, Germany

Miltenberg, Germany

Miltenberg, Germany

The Haus zum Riesen is the oldest tarvern in Germany, built in the 12th century. Miltenberg, Germany

Miltenberg, Germany

The sign outside the Haus zum Riesen. Interesting that the star that looks like the star of David, actually when displayed at a tavern means that beer is brewed here - the star has 6 points representing the 6 elements required to produce beer. Miltenberg, Germany

Beautiful view of Miltenberg, Germany

There I am! Miltenberg, Germany

Beautiful view of Miltenberg, Germany

Miltenberg, Germany

Miltenberg, Germany

A peep hole looking into the garden of the castle of Miltenberg, Germany

Miltenberg, Germany

Schloss Kleinheubach (Kleinheubach Castle), a magnificent, 18th century Versailles-like palace with exquisite grounds.

Schloss Kleinheubach (Kleinheubach Castle), a magnificent, 18th century Versailles-like palace with exquisite grounds.

Schloss Kleinheubach (Kleinheubach Castle), a magnificent, 18th century Versailles-like palace with exquisite grounds.

Along the Main River, Germany.

Pony and Heron along the Main River, Germany.

Heron in flight along the Main River, Germany.

Castle along the Main, Germany.

Fall along the Main River, Germany.

Wurzburg Residenz is an immaculate example of Baroque architecture and a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site. Built and decorated in the 18th century. It features the largest ceiling fresco in the world (by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo).

Wurzburg Residenz features some of the most expansive and beautiful gardens in Europe.

Wurzburg Residenz gardens.

View of the Festeng Marienberg (Marienberg Fortress) from the Wurzburg Residenz.

Me again in the Wurzburg Residenz gardens.

Wurzburg Residenz gardens.

Wurzburg Residenz cellars dating from the 18th century where we tasted some fabulous Franconian wines.

That's me in the Wurzburg Residenz cellars - before tasting the fabulous Franconian wines...why I am still standing.

Wurzburg Residenz cellars.

Wurzburg Residenz cellars.

View of the Festeng Marienberg (Marienberg Fortress) from the Alte Mainbrucke (Old Main Bridge), Wurzburg, Germany.

Alte Mainbrucke (Old Main Bridge), Wurzburg, Germany.

Alte Mainbrucke (Old Main Bridge), Wurzburg, Germany.

Wurzburg, Germany.

Cigarette vending machine - I was amazed to see these all over and in some odd places like right in the middle of a residential area on a corner. This one was in Wurzburg, Germany.

Wurzburg, Germany.

Wurzburg, Germany.

I took a bicycle from the river up to the Festeng Marienberg (Marienberg Fortress), this beautiful castle/fortress up on the mountain overlooking Wurzburg, Germany.

Festeng Marienberg (Marienberg Fortress), Wurzburg, Germany.

The view from Festeng Marienberg (Marienberg Fortress), Wurzburg, Germany.

The view from Festeng Marienberg (Marienberg Fortress), Wurzburg, Germany.

More views from and around Festeng Marienberg (Marienberg Fortress), Wurzburg, Germany.

Festeng Marienberg (Marienberg Fortress), Wurzburg, Germany.

Festeng Marienberg (Marienberg Fortress), Wurzburg, Germany.

Festeng Marienberg (Marienberg Fortress), Wurzburg, Germany.

Festeng Marienberg (Marienberg Fortress), Wurzburg, Germany.

Festeng Marienberg (Marienberg Fortress), Wurzburg, Germany.

More views from Festeng Marienberg (Marienberg Fortress), Wurzburg, Germany.

Bamberg, Germany - another UNESCO World Heritage site with one of Europe's largest intact Old Town centers.
This is the Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall) built on a tiny island in the middle of the Regnitz river.

Bamberg, Germany.

Bamberg, Germany.

The Kaiserdom (Imperial Cathedral) founded in 1012, Bamberg, Germany.

Inside the Kaiserdom (Imperial Cathedral), Bamberg, Germany.

Inside the Kaiserdom (Imperial Cathedral), Bamberg, Germany.

Inside the Kaiserdom (Imperial Cathedral) which houses the tomb of Emperor Henry II and Pope Clement II, Bamberg, Germany.

Tomb of Emperor Henry II, Bamberg, Germany.

Alte Hofhaltung (Old Palace), Bamberg, Germany.

Bamberg's most famous brewery, known for its smoked beer - tasted kind of like bacon or ham in your beer.

Bamberg, Germany.

Like Rome, Bamberg is built on seven hills - but in Bamberg there's a church atop each hill. Bamberg, Germany.

Alte Hofhaltung (Old Palace), Bamberg, Germany.

Along the Main River, Germany.

One of the famous sites from Germany's dark chapter when the city was the regional headquarters of the Nazi Party. This is the Reichsparteitagsgelande (Reich Party Rally Grounds) where filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl immortalized Hitler during his infamous parades and rallies. Nuremberg, Germany.

St. John's Cemetary is one of Germany's most famous cemeteries. Sumptuous bronze epitaphs on the sanstone tombs reveal details about the people who were laid to rest here included famous citizens such as Albrecht Durer and Adam Kraft. Nuremberg, Germany.

St. John's Cemetary, Nuremberg, Germany.

St. John's Cemetary, Nuremberg, Germany.

Hesperidengaerten (Hesperides Gardens), Nuremberg, Germany.

Kaiserburg (Imperial Castle). All kaisers and kings of the Holy Roman Empire resided in this castle from 1050 to 1571. Nuremberg, Germany.

Veiw of Nuremberg from Kaiserburg (Imperial Castle). Nuremberg, Germany.

Kaiserburg (Imperial Castle). Nuremberg, Germany.

Kaiserburg (Imperial Castle). Nuremberg, Germany.

Nuremberg, Germany.

Nuremberg, Germany.

Nuremberg, Germany.

Schoner Brunnen (Beautiful Fountain) dating back to 1396 and the Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady) in the center of the Hauptmarkt (Market Square) in Nuremberg, Germany.

Now onto Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. Known as the "City of a Hundred Spires."

Prague, Czech Republic.

Prague, Czech Republic.

Prague, Czech Republic.

Prague, Czech Republic.

Jewish Cemetery, Prague, Czech Republic.

Prague, Czech Republic.

Prague, Czech Republic.

Kostel Matky Bozi pred Tynem (Church of Our Lady before Tyn), Prague, Czech Republic.

Medieval Prazsky Orloj (Astronomical Clock), Prague, Czech Republic.

Medieval Prazsky Orloj (Astronomical Clock), Prague, Czech Republic.

Medieval Prazsky Orloj (Astronomical Clock), Prague, Czech Republic.

Medieval Prazsky Orloj (Astronomical Clock) and Kostel Matky Bozi pred Tynem (Church of Our Lady before Tyn), Prague, Czech Republic.

Medieval Prazsky Orloj (Astronomical Clock) and Kostel Matky Bozi pred Tynem (Church of Our Lady before Tyn), Prague, Czech Republic.

Prague, Czech Republic.

The Gothic Katedrala Svateho Vita (St Vitus Cathedral). It took 600 years to complete and is the seat of the Archbishop of Prague. Prague, Czech Republic.

The Gothic Katedrala Svateho Vita (St Vitus Cathedral). Prague, Czech Republic.

The Gothic Katedrala Svateho Vita (St Vitus Cathedral). Prague, Czech Republic.

The Gothic Katedrala Svateho Vita (St Vitus Cathedral). Prague, Czech Republic.

The Gothic Katedrala Svateho Vita (St Vitus Cathedral). Prague, Czech Republic.

The Gothic Katedrala Svateho Vita (St Vitus Cathedral). Prague, Czech Republic.

The Gothic Katedrala Svateho Vita (St Vitus Cathedral). Prague, Czech Republic.

The Gothic Katedrala Svateho Vita (St Vitus Cathedral). Prague, Czech Republic.

The Gothic Katedrala Svateho Vita (St Vitus Cathedral). Prague, Czech Republic.

The Gothic Katedrala Svateho Vita (St Vitus Cathedral). This was amazing - sterling silver! Prague, Czech Republic.

The Gothic Katedrala Svateho Vita (St Vitus Cathedral). Prague, Czech Republic.

The Gothic Katedrala Svateho Vita (St Vitus Cathedral). Prague, Czech Republic.

The Zlata Ulicka (Golden Lane) dating from teh 15th century - this small street is lined by 11 miniature houses. Prague, Czech Republic.

The Zlata Ulicka (Golden Lane) dating from teh 15th century - this small street is lined by 11 miniature houses. Prague, Czech Republic.

The view from Prague Castle. Prague, Czech Republic.

The view from Prague Castle. Prague, Czech Republic.

The view from Prague Castle. Prague, Czech Republic.

This is a crazy sculpture of 2 men peeing - and the pond they are peeing into is in the shape of the Czech Republic - quite controversal when it was placed here. Prague, Czech Republic.

This is a crazy sculpture of 2 men peeing - and the pond they are peeing into is in the shape of the Czech Republic - quite controversal when it was placed here. Prague, Czech Republic.

Prague Castle from Karluv Most (Charles Bridge). Prague, Czech Republic.

Prague Castle from Karluv Most (Charles Bridge). Prague, Czech Republic.

Karluv Most (Charles Bridge). Prague, Czech Republic.

Karluv Most (Charles Bridge). Prague, Czech Republic.

View of Prague from the Astronomical Clock tower. Prague, Czech Republic.

View of Prague from the Astronomical Clock tower. Prague, Czech Republic.

Old well in the Old Town. Prague, Czech Republic.

View of Prague from the Astronomical Clock tower. Prague, Czech Republic.

Here I am again...in the middle of Prague, Czech Republic.

View of Prague from the Astronomical Clock tower. Prague, Czech Republic.

Charles Bridge, Prague, Czech Republic.

Charles Bridge, Prague, Czech Republic.

Me! Again in Old Town Prague, Czech Republic.