That's me at the Old Fort in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico


Old San Juan with Dennis and I.

Me again in Old San Juan - we spent much of the day wandering and exploring the town.

Great town to explore and beautiful place to be - again, where back home in NY there is snow and freezing temperatures.

Bernie and I at a fountain in Old San Juan.

Old San Juan Fort.

Dennis and Bernie at the Old San Juan Fort.

Old San Juan at night - Dennis, myself and Bernie.

Perla and Bernie.

Here is the hotel on the beach where we stayed - the Atlantic Beach Hotel.

Perla and I up at the bar in the hotel - great location and fun place to be anytime of day.

View from our beach just in front of the hotel.

Perla with the view up the beach in the other direction from the hotel beach.

As well as Perla, we also made friends with Ron, who was also staying at the hotel and here in Puerto Rico on business from New Jersey (Ron, Bernie, Perla, Tom & Dennis).

Bernie and Dennis at our usual daytime spot just outside our hotel - a great and wonderfully relaxing vacation.

Perla at the beach

Me again :-)

Me again ;-)

Ron and I posing for another of Perla's pictures (she loved taking pictures and that is actually how we met her - she came up and asked us to take her picture on the beach on the first day we were there - Perla and I began talking then and became instant friends and inseperable for the rest of our trip.

Perla and I at the Hilton Hotel just down the beach from our hotel.

Dennis, Perla and Bernie.

Dennis, Tom and Bernie.

On one of our days we took a ride up into the mountains to the rain forest on Puerto Rico. This is the mountain peak headed toward the Rain Forest.

And here is the view from the Rain Forest.

Our first waterfall we came upon on our route to the Rain Forest.

Myself and Bernie at a great spot in the Rain Forest - we hung out here for quite a while and enjoyed the falls, the water and the green.

Me at the falls.

Dennis at the falls.

Me again sitting on a rock in front of the falls.

Tom again at the falls - its great to be shirtless in January!

There I am again and the falls - loved this spot!