Maui is made up of two large volcanoes called Haleakala and West Maui Mountain. The West mountain is the smaller of the two, but has some great beaches, beautiful sites and the popular tourist city, Lahaina. This photo was taken
on our trip around the West Maui Mountain side of the island and is just north of Lahaina.

More pictures from the West side.

This is Nakalele Blowhole. The ocean here has undercut the shoreline, pounding underneath the lava shell, where it spits through a man-sized hole in the lava.

The blowhole can vary tremendously with the tide and size of the surf. Both times I have been here the blowhole, or geiser, has shot up 70 feet into the air.

It's amazing how regular and with such force this erupts water. This time was really cool in that the mist created these rainbows each time it erupted.

It is difficult to get a perspective of the size of this - so in this picture look closely at the left side of the picture and you will notice a guy taking a picture of the blowhole - then you can get an idea of how large this is.

The cardinal at the beach!

I was amazed on this trip to Maui the number of humpback whales we saw during this week. We saw whales everyday, and all of these photos were taken from the shore.

Humpback whales are the stars of whale watching. They vacation in Hawaii from December from March or april where the femails bear their young and the males sing the blues. More than 1000 whales come to the islands each year.

Friend Dennis at sunset.

This was the beach across the street from the condo we rented...another great sunset.

It's great being at a place where sunset is an event to celebrate...everyday.

I love sunset light.

Palms at sunset.

Another event to celebrate.

The road to Hana.

Black sand beach.

Wai'anapanapa State Park.

Seven Sacred Pools.

Venus Pool.

Venus Pool.

Great fun watching and photographing the surfers.

Another great way to start a morning...on the beach enjoying the sun and warm air and beautiful water.

Pretty funny pose during a wipeout.

Let's go surfing now...

everybody's learning how...

Come on and safari with me.

Hang ten?

Haleakala point.

80 degrees 10,000 feet down, 50 degrees up here.

These photos were taken at Kula Botanical Gardens - on the way down from Haleakala.

Simple gardens with some beautiful, cool and interesting flowers.

Strange and beautiful.

Cool colors.

They don't look quite real.

Not quite the pine tree I'm used to seeing.

Love this photo.

Protea - so different open and closed. Protea is both the botanical name and the English common name of a genus of South African flowering plants, sometimes also called sugarbushes.